Monday, February 4, 2008

What is Natural skin care?

Put simply, the natural skin care "is the care of your skin in a natural and chemical-free." Natural skin care of defenders to allow the skin to take care of itself (without the aid of synthetic materials and chemicals). "Natural skin care" is about instilling good habits on how to lead their lives every day. A lot of action natural skin care are actually the same as those caring for the body in general.

So let's see what these natural skin care are measured.
Well, first and above all the natural skin care measure is - 'Drink lots of water. Around 8 glasses of water is a daily necessity. The water helps clear the toxins from the body, naturally. It helps in the overall maintenance of the body and promotes good health for all organs (not just the skin).

General cleaning is another form of cheap natural skin care. Shower daily, the use of clean clothes and sleep in a clean mattress / pillow, part of the cleanup. After all, fair skin is the key to maintaining the skin disorder at bay.

Regular exercise is the next step in the cards. Exercise increases blood flow which helps eliminate toxins from the body and maintaining their health. The exercise also helps with the beating that stress is the worst enemy of good health.

Healthy food and eating habits is also recommended for the care of the natural leather. Any type of food (eg, oily foods) is know to cause acne and should be avoided as much as possible. Your diet should be a healthy mix of various nutrients to provide food. Fruits and vegetables are known to provide cooling for your body and help eliminate toxins from the body.

A good sleep is also essential for maintaining good health and stress in the beatings. As a natural skin care, a good dream delays slacking skin. Beating stress is another natural skin care and therapy. Stress causes damage to the body in general and health. Drink plenty of water, get a good sleep and exercise has been mentioned as stress busters. Committing a warm bubble bath, listening to music and playing your favourite sport also are good ways to beat stress. Yoga is another way to beat stress, is fast gaining popularity among the masses.

Avoid overexposure to the sun (with the use of long-sleeved clothing, hats and umbrellas, etc.), is another strategy of natural skin care. Sunscreen lotions, are also recommended if necessary.
Many traditional and natural home made products for skin care / measures are also known to be very effective. These measures are not only natural and easy to follow, but also relatively inexpensive.

Besides, a large number of natural products from skin care are available on the commercial market. These include things such as oil of lavender, aloe vera, etc., which have no side effects.

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